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Te Ata Tu with Tu
Start your mornings with Tumehe Rongonui! His Māori insights and great storytelling bring energy & fun. With a love for music, hauora, and fitness, Tumehe keeps you informed, entertained & energized! Weekdays 6am-10am!

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Te Koha with Leanna
Leanna Tarawa-Cooper lights up the airwaves with her energy and passion for music and hauora. Her vibrant personality and genuine connection with people will uplift your day. Tune in weekdays 10am-3pm and stay motivated!

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Te ihi with Pou
Waipounamu Te Karu is no stranger to Maori Broadcasting, she covers a wide range of topics including Mana Wahine, Hauora, Mental Health, Well-Being and she will bring the IHI every weekday from 3pm - 7pm
Te Ihi with Pou